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The Teller County Sheriff is responsible for overseeing over 86 employees, patrolling subdivisions, serving court processes, investigating serious offenses, and managing an average daily inmate population of over 100. Apart from on-going and regular duties the Sheriff’s Office offers the following services: Business Watch Program, Sex Offender List, Directed Patrol, Vacation Patrol Checks, In Dispatch area, computer upgrades to ensure faster response times, Issue concealed weapons permits, Issue burn permits, Neighborhood Watch Program, Oversight of Teller County Search & Rescue, Court Security, Sheriff's Reserve Unit, K-9 Unit, Code Enforcement, Serve civil papers, Execute Teller County warrants, and Range Officer.

The following Units operate in accordance to the Sheriffs office: Investigations,
Traffic Enforcement, Civil Division, Office of Emergency Management, Code Enforcement, Animal Control, Animal Shelter, Reserve Unit, Cadet Program, Jail Facility, and Community Corrections. The Emergency Management Unit prepares and plans for emergency occurrences in Teller County. The Jail Division of the Teller County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for housing approximately 60 inmates per day. The Jail Facility has a capacity of 104 inmates. Multiple programs such as GED Program, A.A. Classes, Lifeskills, Bible Study, Cenikor, and Community Service are offered to the incarcerated. The Sheriff’s Office dedication shows in their mission to make Teller County a safe place to live and work.

Contact information:

Teller County Sheriff's Office
11400 US Hwy 24
PO Box 27
Divide, CO 80814
Phone: (719)687-9652
Fax: (719)687-7927

Teller County Code Enforcement
P.O. Box 1886/540 Manor Court
Woodland Park, CO.80866
Phone: (719) 687-5257
Fax: (719) 687-5256


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